Thursday, April 16, 2009

Post Election Let Down, Except Palin Won't Go Away

So what is it about politics, anyway? Remember the good old days of 2008, when the election was still in full swing? Remember when McCain was a maverick, Joe was still a plumber and Sarah Palin was only annoying Wasilla? Remember Tim Russert?

Quite frankly, it hasn't been that fun since the Recession began. I mean, I try to do my part. I obsess over the Dow, watch its every move, I lost 40% of my 401k, just like we were supposed to, and when I couldn't take it anymore, I went out and bought a Coach purse to help jumpstart the economy. Now I'm just bored with it all and ready to move on....

So my theory is that the recent election season that lasted something like two hundred years and cost more than Mel Gibson's projected alimony thrust us all in a major let down -- so much so that Lehman Brothers failed and the banks and car manufacturers had to vie for attention by threatening to. Now that the ennui has ended, John Madden has announced his retirement and I actually re-potted the plant that lives on my desk in my office (the one that thrives under florescent lights and daily f-bombs) is this Armeggedon (and is this how you spell Armeggedon???). Probably not.

Thankfully, there exists a light at the end of the dark tunnel. Keith Olbermann is back on the air and I have discovered Like so many forgotten memories, reading solonjoe is like a flashback to the '80's.